The world around us is full of different colours and shapes. Sarah and her brother Tom have decided to teach you shapes and colours with the help of everyday objects that we find around us.
Do you know what colour you make when you mix red and blue? What shape is a honeycomb? What is a silhouette? You will find all the answers and much more in this book. Join Tom and Sarah; we'll go camping with them, visit their neighbour the magician, and have fun with them at the funfair!
Contents: over 2100 sounds and texts on 16 interactive pages.
This book only works with the Tolki interactive talking pen. The Tolki pen is not included in the package! You can buy it separately here.
For the interactive talking pen to work properly, it is necessary to download the corresponding audio files, which are available free of charge at this site. The audio files must be first downloaded into your PC and then copied into the pen’s memory. Therefore, a computer is needed to complete the operation.
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